Serving Disk Usage Graphs with Bash and PHP
Lately I was asked to develop and integrate a realtime server disk usage graph to the dashboard of our monitoring application (OpenNMS). The bar graph color should also change when disk usage exceeds a defined percentage threshold.
So I came up with some shell and php code that serve well the scope:
Now, let’s go behind the scenes: Since we have a quite mixed environment, I decided to stick to SNMP as mean for getting the data I need to obtain a list of $servername,$disk_usage_percentage (actually, we will need to get disk size and disk used space to calculate the %). A bash shell script (namely “”) runs at cron every 30 minutes and gets the above info for us, and also takes care of the needed calculation to output the percentage. excerpt from
# declaring the server 2D array
declare -A server_id
# declaring SNMP community
# Example list of monitored servers
# Note that these are 2 dimensional arrays (servername - IP Address)
# function to get disk usage percentage
# hrStorageUsed.1 and hrStorageSize.1 are OID that refers to the first storage disk
# change this parameter to fit your needs
# I ended up with 5 different getUsage_id functions, to cover my storage topology! :)
getUsage_id() {
diskUsage=$(snmpwalk -v 2c -c $rocommunity ${server_id[$HOST]} hrStorageUsed.1 | awk {'print $4'})
diskSize=$(snmpwalk -v 2c -c $rocommunity ${server_id[$HOST]} hrStorageSize.1 | awk {'print $4'})
((usage = (diskUsage * 409600) / (diskSize * 4096)))
return $usage
# initialize the output file
> diskUsg.dat
for HOST in "${!server_id[@]}" # enumerates all server hostnames
server_id[${HOST}]=${usage} # assign the usage to the servername
echo "$HOST,${server_id[$HOST]}" >> diskUsg.dat # writing to output file, comma separated
exit 0
The resulting list will be a file that would look something like:
Time for some php! The frame integrated in our dashboard view is a php page that reads the above $server,$disk_usage_percentage list and then uses phplot ( to draw an horizontal bars graph out of it. excerpt from diskUsage.php:
require_once 'phplot.php'; // get it from
// We want to autorefresh this page
$page = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
$sec = "840"; // 14 minutes is enough for us (we get new data each 30 minutes)
header("Refresh: $sec; url=$page");
// Define the input "server,disk_usage_percentage" file
$myFile = "diskUsg.dat";
// Here we define the color thresholds:
// 0 (red) for values >= 90%
// 1 (yellow) is for >= 85%
// 2 (green) is for < 85%.
function pickcolor($img, $data_array, $row, $col)
$d = $data_array[$row][$col+1]; // col+1 skips the servername label
if ($d >= 90) return 0;
if ($d >= 85) return 1;
return 2;
// Read the data from file and assign to an array
if (file_exists($myFile))
{ $fileContent = file($myFile);
foreach($fileContent as $line_num => $line) {
$disk_data = explode(",", $line);
$data[] = array(trim($disk_data[0]), trim($disk_data[1]));
// Here goes the phplot-related stuff
$plot = new PHPlot_truecolor(600, 950);
$plot->SetXTickLabelPos('none'); // No X axis labels. The data values labels are sufficient.
$plot->SetXDataLabelPos('plotin'); // we want to display the disk usage value
$plot->SetDataValues($data); // we tell to use $data as actual data
// Remember the pickcolor function?
$red='#F05A46'; // this is 0
$yellow='#FBBD00'; // this is 1
$green='#9EC262'; // and this is 2
// Here we assign the bar color
$plot->SetCallback('data_color', 'pickcolor', $data);
$plot->SetDataColors(array($red, $yellow, $green));
// We also want to display a legend
$plot->SetLegend(array('Alarmstufe', 'Warnung', 'Normal')); // ja, that's Deutsch! :)
// All set, let's draw the graph
And this is how the whole dashboard will look like, as shown on our Big Monitoring LCD Wall™ :-)